Who is vellikkuttan?
Vellikuttan is a legendary character once lived in VSNL apartments, kakkanadu. He studied in one of the famous English Medium School near Thrissur (St Pauls, Kuriachira). Fortunately, he could not pronounce a single English word properly and could not spell without at least 2 mistakes. It is not because of the traditional fast thrissur accent or because of the colloquial influences, but purely because of his ignorance.
His last years of school is still considered as the dark ages of that school, Coz he was the school leader :(
He will be regularly late for the school. School assembly had been delayed several times as his presence was unavoidable. In dress code he was very much strict and it was famous in that school too. He never tucked his shirt, will always wear bath room slippers instead of shoes, shirt will turn to brown or red by the time he reaches the school....
The interesting part is yet to come.......
As he was the school leader he had to deliver the Pledge. While he raises his hands for taking pledge, murmurings will be heard from different corners of the assemble ground. Even the Kindergarten students will start laughing secretly by covering their mouth with hands......I don't think it is necessary to explain why they were laughing...... :)
You all will have something to share about him. Common let us share all those memorable moments and let the legend live beyond generations.
Long live vellikkuttan.......